Saturday, May 2, 2009

Here is what they are saying about Metal Label Secrets

I got this great letter the other day from one of my customers, Shawn:

Hey Al,

I have watched your DVD and love the information and what you are doing. When I was 20 I moved to the US and then London, England to persue my dream of being able to tour the world as a metal artist. It completly drained my life force trying to get noticed by a metal label because I was taking all the wrong steps you spoke of on your dvd. I came back home to Canada and basically gave up my dream. But after about 7 years, I stumbled upon a group of musicians that are driven like nothing I have ever seen before and i'm fully committed in doing this right the second time around.

The band is called Galla Me, and the full line up was just formed a few months ago. We could use any help along the way, we want to thank you for your wonderful DVD and we will have questions for you for sure :)


One of the reasons I put this course together is for guys like Shawn - some bands stumble upon how to put everything together naturally (talk about getting lucky!) but the sad reality is most bands never even get a sniff at a record deal.

In fact I read something today that said 90% of all bands that get a record deal fail as well!.

Pretty scary statistics...if you don't know what you are doing.

Check out my course where I explain to you a lot of the massive pitfalls that most metal bands face in the music business

Do it today

Let me know if you have any questions


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